Saturday, July 25, 2015

Moving Day

Hugs and t-shirts were exchanged, final good byes said and finally we all started turning away from the beautiful UCR track and the friends we had made there. The college track team maybe didn't know what to expect there when we arrived earlier last week, but maybe we didn't either. College track athletes were part some of the volunteers who joined us each day helping with drills, setting up gear or anything we needed. Not sure any of them have ever worked with Special Olympics athletes. By the time we were through with them, I'm sure they will again.

Our athletes really appreciated them (and their coach Dan). It didn't take long for a bond to begin and for the Riverside athletes to return each day to help-I think they were hooked. Funny how that sometimes happens and how each of us starts our journey in SO. Nearly everyone, at some point can say they started with one volunteer job. I think it's a good place to begin.

We had 3 great days of practice on the track here-just what we needed to get ready for the games-we were so lucky, great facility, great college to stay at and wonderful weather (for California). But, this day is moving day, gathering up everything and heading to LA and the University of Southern California. That would be our home base for the rest of the games.

Moving 480 people is no small task, and there are always hiccups. The bus drive wasn't bad at all (I wonder how people put up with the traffic!). The campus loomed ahead as we snaked the coach bus through a few city blocks to our dorm complex. Other busses were off loading and luggage looked like small hills along the sidewalk. It didn't appear that everything was moving like clockwork, so it was chill out in the bus time waiting. No credentials, no room keys, so we wait. At least it was air conditioned.

At some point, everything was off loaded, roller duffles in rooms and the chaos subsiding. I needed to huff it to my head coaches meeting across campus, and the rest of the team headed out to find the dining hall. It would be hours until we were all together again for a quick meeting and rundown of the following day which includes competition and opening ceremonies (more on that later).

For now, a short nights sleep has me a few minutes from departing to start our first day on the track for divnisioning. This will be a very long day with OC tonight until midnight I'd guess. It'll be exciting, emotional, and a memory for everyone on the team. Time to get this started.....

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